There are so many users these days for a Free AI chat model, that can help them run their website for efficiently and effectively, that we decided to examine this in closer detail for our loyal readers.
AI chat is something that has evolved the last couple of years, and in the past website owners had to employ people to sit and communicate with website visitors, 24/7, that was not only time consuming, but also costly in the long run. These days with chat, this has become much more affordable and more efficient, since this is managed automatically by the AI Chatbot.
What is AI chat?
So, what is AI chat? Basically, it’s technology that enable a chatbot to communicate with websites users, via various questions that are asked, and according to the answers that the user provides. Through this the user can get valuable information about a specific product or service and in turn the AI chatbot can capture the users details to be used, if the user requires a call back or to be contacted via any other channel like email, messaging or WhatsApp.
This chat functionality will only grow into the future, and for anyone looking to generate more enquiries or leads, this is a absolute must in terms of lead generation. This not only provides an existing new way to assist customers from the business side of things, but also assist the customer to gain valuable insight into the products or services, and for those 2 reasons, this a very valuable tool to have. With this being said, we found a great AI chat platform, that you start with free and that will enable you to test and try out their chat functionality. They are called Collect Chat and offer various pricing models, that includes a free option.
If you want to have a look and Collect Chat, click here to read more about them and to find the link to their website.